Our family has always been close, and once a year we make it a point to have a reunion of sorts. And we plan for a day or two when everyone can make it: Aunts, uncles, cousins, parents, grandparents, siblings, and all the spouses and kids who have joined our family through the years! Since most of us are in North India (Delhi and Gurgaon to be precise), we usually have it in a Himalayan hill station. Normally it happens to be Nainital. This year, a few of the kids wanted to go someplace different. To us adults, it doesn’t really matter because the company was what mattered. My brother and I were given the responsibility of planning it this year, and we decided to do a Himalayan hill station itself since it was logistically feasible for most of us, and all of us loved the weather in the mountains and the views are always a delight (provided the weather is clear of course). After asking around, we got the usual answers of “Nainital”, or “Ranikhet”, but we felt thes...